Courses taught at UNC, along with link to most recent syllabus:
- POLI 150H: Introduction to International Relations, Honors (Spring 2008)
- POLI/PWAD 287: Strategy and International Relations (Spring 2024|Maymester 2024)
- POLI 350: Peace Science Research (Spring 2022)
- POLI/PWAD 457: International Conflict Processes (Spring 2024)
- POLI 691H: Honors Seminar on Research Design (Spring 2016)
- POLI 692H: Honors Thesis Research (Fall 2016)
- POLI 750: Theories of International Relations I (Spring 2025)
- POLI 754: Formal Models of International Relations (Spring 2017)
- POLI 783: Probability and Statistics (Fall 2021)